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Ancient Understanding

Updated: Dec 17, 2020

Rebuilding Centuries of Progress

As a human collective, we consider ourselves and our achievements as "the most academically advanced." No other generation can be more forward moving and historically wholistic than ours. There is no way our "ancient" ancestors could comprehend what we have grown to know . There is no way our "ancient" kin could have any knowledge or means of completing the accolades we have achieved and brought to fruition. Right?

If the above statement is foundationally firm, then why does history constantly repeat itself as we continue to make the same documented mistakes from a previous timeline? Have we really obtained and digested all previous knowledge (both good and bad ) from centuries old?

If you think so, you're mistaken. We continuously drop the ball, pick it up again and drop it harder the next time. We have learned nothing from our past human brothers / sisters and ignorantly retry to restart history. We need to push progress and retreat on repetitiveness.

How can we, in this present time, perceive we are all powerful / knowing when we think that our predecessors had no common day knowledge (of their time) of comfort or technology. If you believe we are transitioning into superior humans, how come we don't know how the pyramids were built? Why do we think it was impossible? What if Manhattan was covered in sand for centuries and all traces of blueprints were eradicated. The newer generation of human species would be dumbfounded when excavated. How come we have a speck of documentation on how past societies were really ruled and structured? Why do we need to "interpret" an understanding our past? Why do we believe we are the framework "originators" when everything has already been accomplished, tested, tried and documented to make life easier for generations to come. Why do we constantly destroy progress and have to continue to recreate the wheel. How come we call the "ancients" ancient when we are still ancient creatures ourselves.

Strap in reader(s) - it's open Mic night and I have the stage

First and foremost, history needs to stop repeating itself. We need to stop destroying past progress. We need to stop covering up and making certain information "top secret." We need to be transparent and open to all knowledge of every historical event. Why? Because we are the idiots that look dumb trying to put puzzle pieces back together to have some sort of "understanding" of how / why the world achieved what it accomplished from a human perspective.

We need to be fed up with being conspiracy theorists and start collaborating. Everyone has something unique to bring to the table of progress. But that's not me fear. My fear is that progress is eradicated, forgotten, hidden and / or classified for "selected" individuals.

Why don't we know more about our oceans and space? Why do we feel like were the first person to achieve an accomplishment when it has already been done? Why are we not coming together as Earthlings to make "real" forward progress.

I believe, in our world and society(s), that there is an irresponsible balance of power. If we were "allowed" to be on the same "cognitive" playing field as people in "power positions," they would be eliminated and we would all be united. We would have an even playing field of understanding and be granted the real "Power Of The People" to start making "real" collaborate and imaginative progress. Note: This is not a Communist statement. I am directing this unity in the way of not being left in the dark by our so called "officials" and coming together as humans.

Think about it this way. You have a great idea that can benefit and change the world. You meet up with some people who are interested in your proposal and you just start to work on it. Now you may be saying, this happens every day. This is Capitalism at it's finest. Yes, true. But what about all of the red tape you need to hurdle over. In the end, most give up. And why? The "power positions" don't allow you to and something beneficial is discarded due to someone following orders, afraid to loose their job, doesn't understand greatness or is "blocking" you from a conflict of interest.

In closing, I say this. If imagination equals ingenuity and detrimental decision making equals destruction, we need to keep a real "balance of power" within our society. Let's stop destroying our progress. Let's start building upon it. Let's stop repeating what we already know and act upon it. If we all start accepting what we know is right and true, we can become a great human race and a respected planet within the universe.

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