Diagnosing The Human Social Condition
Why do we have to "cover up" how we truly feel and "mask" our real emotions because the rules of society instruct us to "fall in line" and abide by the correct social behavior?
Why do we have to wear a multitude of magician masks when appearing in different settings as we need to abide by the proper script / instructions to "fit in?"
Why can't we “always” truly speak in public like the way we do behind the safety of our closed doors?
Why do we need to radiate a tamed personality just to be "perceived" as a socially accepted, understanding, respectful and obedient team player?
Some light examples before proceeding:
If you go to a wedding, you wear a suit or dress as your costume and wear the mask of happiness with a loving / congratulatory personality.
If you go a funeral, you wear a black outfit as your costume and wear the mask of bereavement with a personality of condolence.
If you are a doctor or nurse you wear a white coat and / or scrubs as your costume and wear a mask of professionalism with a caring and helpful personality.
If you are a "Business Man," you wear a nice suite as your costume and wear a mask of dominance with a personality of continuous accomplishments.
If you play a sport you wear athletic clothing as your costume and wear a mask of determination with a focused personality.
The list of looking and acting a certain part can go on and on. But lets dive a little deeper. Why are certain masks we wear required and some unnecessary?
Strap in reader(s) - it's open Mic night and I have the stage.
We are all socially bi-polar and wear a plethora of masks, costumes and personalities depending on what situation or environment we step into. If you're reading this and think I'm crazy, you're in denial and should be more conscious of yourself and aware of the people surrounding you.
For instance, when we step into a work setting, we wear a business clock costume (suits, white coats, uniforms, etc.) and have to wear the mask of being a loyal, energetic and productive person while some really don't care about the mission statement and counts down the days to a pay check. We wear a personality of caring and depict the appropriate work day demeanor / break room banter. However, we exhaust ourselves more because we have to try to listen, talk, productively perform and not offend others. If you don't think this statement is true, then why do we all go home and tell a trusted person all of the gossip, how terrible their workday was and beat down people we dislike behind their back but still have to provide a healthy, but fake, smile during everyday encounters. We all wear these daily masks to survive and provide. But is this really necessary and healthy? Or are we just fitting in and conditioning our true human emotions?
To me, we wear certain masks and personalities to show that we care and look / act a certain part or role.
But why do we need to dress up and and act everyday? Why do we need to show compassion and provide kind words when we don't care? Why do we have to curb our inner emotions and true thoughts? Why do we have to do anything we don't want to but feel the need to be perceived as socially acceptable and successful to ourselves and others? How come when our "appointment" is over and feel free from judgement, we start to act our casual candor and feel safe that others don't know our true habits.
Is honestly the best policy? Maybe / maybe not. And this is "maybe" why we wear masks. We all need to be caring to others even if we don't care at all. Sometimes wearing a "fake" mask may make some else feel excepted, loved or included. We never know what someone else is going through or thinking on the back of their mind. In conclusion, we all wear masks. Just use the right mask in the right situation.