How Dare You Ask For My Secret Sauce!

Why do we feel as though we need to protect our accomplishments, achievements and accolades? Why do we feel like we need to put a forcefield of defense around our "secret syrup" that gave us success? Why do we need to shield our self-made "blueprint" after obtaining / acquiring a possession?
Why do we only give a breadcrumb of creditable credence of "advice" to other individuals on "how" to "approach" a goal that we achieved and / or know how to achieve, but don't give away the "secret sauce." Do we feel more empowered and less vulnerable by being looked up to on our alter of "essentialness" by leaving it to other people's devices to complete the same achievement?
If we have already executed the game plan successfully, why do we enjoy watching other's struggle to climb the ladder of success? Why don't we "really" want people to be equal or better than us?
Strap in reader(s) - it's open Mic night and I have the stage.
To strike a nerve, first and foremost, we are all expendable in every aspect of our life. Let that sink in for a moment.
In are careers, regardless of one's profession, we all have the self title of "CEO." If we, as individuals, don't throw the lasso around our lateral progression, then who will? The answer is nobody but ourselves.
However, how come some creditable colleagues in leadership positions "enable" others to be the best they can be, but don't give them the specific blueprint on how to be successful. Why do we still have the bottom to the top framework when there is already a clear path on how to get there - but willingly let other's "find their own way." How come when we climb the promotion pillar and exit a previous position, we clearly erase our mental struggles and leave it for the next person to figure out.
In the middle of our minds, I believe, we are "organized hoarders" protecting our success to eliminate self inflicted competition to remain useful / purposeful in life and in our occupation(s).
The layer of competition is what binds us to be seen as "exceptional" to ourselves and others. We achieve, we prosper, we mentally ignite the "Us vs. Them" popularity propaganda campaign.
To be clear, I am not saying that there aren't great leaders, mentors, supervisors or coaches that provide every bit of knowledge they can to help the "up and comers" but I do believe that if we give "everything" we know we can and will be replaced.
In closing, we do need to bury our flag of success in the sand. However, we should be mindful of how we felt when we were overlooked and had to struggle to obtain a repeatable achievement. If we have the platform to preach upon, be more open and willingly to share your "secret sauce."